Register a new LEI (UK Entity)
Register a new LEI (UK Entity)
Excl. VAT
Standard LEI application form, suitable for the majority of entity types based in the UK:
PLC & Limited Companies
Pension Schemes
Simplifying LEI Registrations
Excl. VAT
Standard LEI application form, suitable for the majority of entity types based in the UK:
PLC & Limited Companies
Pension Schemes
To proceed with your application, select the service you require by clicking on the relevant link and complete the online application.
For firms requiring multiple LEIs (5 or more), please contact us at for prices and further information.
All payments made on the LEI Registrations website are processed by our payments provider Stripe, which is a PCI compliant company. All payment information is securely stored by Stripe.
Once your order and payment have been received, LEI Registrations will review your application and prepare it for submission with the appropriate registering authority.
We aim to complete LEI applications within 1-3 working days.
We will then conduct a series of searches against the LEI databases held at the registering authority and Global Master list. These control checks are designed to identify any data conflicts or duplications.
Following the successful registration of your LEI record you will receive an email confirming your LEI number together with receipt of payment.
In addition, we will forward a link detailing your organisations full record on the global master database.
If you have any questions during our application process, then please contact us via our 'contact us' form, by email, or alternatively call us on 0800 689 3819.