The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) initiative is designed to create a global reference data system that uniquely identifies every legal entity or structure, in any jurisdiction, that is party to a financial transaction.
The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a 20-digit alpha numeric code based on the ISO 17442 standard.
In January 2018, a set of new regulations came into force that requires the use of LEI codes for certain financial transactions. These regulations are know as MiFID 2 (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive) and the associated MiFIR (Markets in Financial Investments Regulations). Published by the European Commission, MiFID 2 stipulates that LEIs must be reported for certain instrument types, such as derivatives, commodity trades and stocks traded on venue.
our LEI services
LEI Registrations supports firms that require a legal entity identifier number. Our service is designed to reduce the administration burden associated with the registration process and to ensure firms receive their LEI numbers with the minimum of fuss.
LEI Registrations understands the integrity of the LEI system depends on the quality of the reference data recorded against each legal entity. Prior to registering any LEI, we conduct a series of searches on our clients behalf to check for data duplications or conflicts with other registered entities.
In addition to first time LEI registrations and renewals, we also provide an amendment service that enables firms to challenge incorrect reference data held against their LEI number. For larger firms we also offer a bulk LEI application process to help clients manage the registration of multiple entities.
Please note that LEI Registrations does not issue LEI numbers, this can only be done by authorised LOU organisations.
About us
LEI Registrations is a professional services firm with a background in Financial Services and Regulatory Compliance. Based in Wiltshire near Swindon, we specialise in making your application as straightforward as possible.
With a detailed knowledge of the application process and associated regulatory requirements, we are happy to answer any queries you may have. For more information contact us at
how to register
lei structure and characteristics
Each LEI issued globally follows the same standard structure which is designed to uniquely identify legal entities in financial transactions. The code itself contains no embedded intelligence, thereby avoiding any unnecessary complexity for users. Based on the ISO 17442 standard the format of LEI codes is overseen by the LEI Regulatory Oversight Committee (ROC), which in turn is supported by the Financial Stability Board. An overview of an LEI code is shown below.
Excl. VAT
Standard LEI application form, suitable for the majority of entity types based in the UK:
PLC & Limited Companies
Pension Schemes