registration of legal entity identifiers
LEI Registrations is a professional services firm specialising in the registration and renewal of Legal Entity Identifier numbers.
Based in the UK, we provide a simple and straightforward route for registering LEI numbers for all types of legal entity. We work to ensure you receive your unique identifier number quickly and with the confidence that the correct checks have been completed.
“We’ve helped entities of all types and sizes obtain LEI numbers
- including limited companies, pension schemes, funds, charities and discretionary trusts.”
To assist firms in the registration and maintenance of LEI numbers, LEI Registrations has developed a service designed to simplify the application and renewal process.
Our team have all worked in the Financial Services industry and are happy to guide you through the LEI application process.
Please note that LEI Registrations cannot give any financial advice.
What is a LEI Number?
The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) initiative is designed to create a global reference data system that can precisely identify legal entities that participate in financial transactions.
Based on the ISO 17442 standard, Legal Entity Identifier numbers are a 20-digit alphanumeric code that are recognised globally by both financial firms and regulators. Introduced following the financial crisis of 2008, LEIs are designed to improve transparency and reduce risk across financial markets.
Following the implementation of the MiFID 2/MiFIR regulations in January 2018, the importance of legal entities holding a LEI number has further increased.
The end-to-end process for applying for an LEI takes between 1 and 3 working days, however the on-line application and payment process takes less than 10 minutes to complete.
During the application process we will provide you with regular updates.
Following your application we will conduct a series of searches against the LEI databases held at the registering authority and the global master LEI list.
Our control checks are designed to identify any data conflicts or duplications.
To register a LEI number some basic information items are required. All of the necessary information to apply for an LEI should be readily available to the owners, employees or trustees of the entity.
Should any information be missing or require clarification, we will contact you before we proceed with your application.
If you have any questions, then please contact us via our contact form, by email or alternatively call us on 0800 689 3819.